Man se rAvaN jo nikAle, rAm uske man mein hain!

Shuddha brahma parAtpara rAm – he is the pure brahmAn. Anyone who becomes in to pure brahmAn becomes rAm. Such purity and kindness can only flourish with selflessness. He is the selfless thought. He is the benevolent act of charity. He is that infinitesimal moment of time when the mind does not wander. He is the blue that the eyes see in the colorless sky. He is the unborn cry that is ever waiting to express for the mind. He is the blazing fire that takes us in when one life journey begets another.
He is so close to us, within us. Every gRhiNi is sItA and every husband is rAm…yet they ask for proof. The eyes are always wandering to see outside hence he is not visible when the mind eye is clouded with arishaDvargAs (mada matsarya kama krodha lobha moha). Let rAm nAm be the sole mantra, reminding all senses the code of conduct that he has set for us.
they who ask proof are rank hypocrites themselves. so we shouldnt be caring!!
they have built a grotesque statue for a person called thiruvalluvar at Kumari- whats the historical proof for the existence of such a person? how did they know how he'd look?
at least their guru periyar disrespected all religions openly. these jokers have one yardstick for yarns woven by followers of st thomas and another for those of Rama
the facts of our faith makes these people irrelevant and I wish we will one day present these in a powerful argument so they dont rake it again
Hi there! Sorry, I'm a total stranger but I've been scouring the internet for sites that would help me with my undergraduate thesis about the Ramayana--I really need to get some perspective on how it's valued by people who have grown up with it and treasured it! And here I've stumble on your post completely by accident! My thesis is talking about the Ramayana from a literary point of view but I want to make sure I talk about it as a very living and valuable thing as well. I was wondering if you'd care to tell me your thoughts on the Ramayana? (Like, how has it affected your life, what does it mean to you?) Or do you know of some other websites that talk about this sort of thing? I'd really appreciate some input!!
What happened? no posts in 5 years? Pathik
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